Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Determinism not dead

Can quantum mechanics be an emergent phenomenon?

Massimo Blasone, Petr Jizba, Fabio Scardigli
(Submitted on 26 Jan 2009)
Abstract: We raise the issue whether conventional quantum mechanics, which is not a hidden variable theory in the usual Jauch-Piron's sense, might nevertheless be a hidden variable theory in the sense recently conjectured by G. 't Hooft in his pre-quantization scheme. We find that quantum mechanics might indeed have a fully deterministic underpinning by showing that Born's rule naturally emerges (i.e., it is not postulated) when 't Hooft's Hamiltonian for be-ables is combined with the Koopmann - von Neumann operatorial formulation of classical physics.

For backround, see ref 4:

Quantum Gravity as a Dissipative Deterministic System

Gerard 't Hooft

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Synchronous Quantum Memories with Time-symmetric Pulses
Authors: Q. Y. He, M. D. Reid, P. D. Drummond

Cooperative Dynamics of an Artificial Stochastic Resonant System
Authors: Yasushi Hotta, Teruo Kanki, Naoki Asakawa, Hitoshi Tabata, Tomoji Kawai

Power Spectrum of Out-of-equilibrium Forces in Living Cells : Amplitude and Frequency Dependence
Authors: Francois Gallet, Delphine Arcizet, Pierre Bohec, Alain Richert